COLT� 100

Mixed-signal EPON protocol processing solution (CT-TPSMT02-PW)


The ColtÖ100 SoC supports the complex set of capabilities required by service providers deploying Central Office equipment (CO) in Ethernet Passive Optical Networks. In association with Centilliumʼs complementary CPE chip, the MustangÖ 200, Colt supports all the protocol requirements and relevant standards applicable to a highly effi cient, cost effective roll out of an EPON infrastructure.


  • Configurable ONU-to-ONU communications
  • Fully configurable VLAN support based on IEEE 802.1p and 802.1q including removal, addition, forwarding and learning
  • Fully configurable VLAN tag overwrite support
  • IEEE 802.1d Layer-2 compliant
  • IPv4 IGMPv1 and v2 snooping for multicast traffic management
  • IPv6 MLD (multicast listener discovery) support
  • Integrated CAM enables learning of up to 8, 192 MAC addresses
  • Single-chip, mixed-signal solution for OLT applications that integrates: Bridge, EPON Protocol processor, Burst mode CDR/SerDes for PON interface, CDR/SerDes for WAN interface, CAM, and MIPS CPU cores
  • Support of up to four or eight priority queues in each direction for each logical link based on VLAN tag or IP TOS (type of service)
  • Supports 256 Mbytes of external frame buffering in both directions
  • Supports up to 256 logical links


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