“Centillium has a very practical approach to DSL. Centillium   ...  DSL addresses the critical issues local exchange carriers will face when deploying DSL on a wide scale such as reducing power consumption, achieving high-port densities on line cards, and minimizing the amount of network engineering required to provide service.”
Greg Sheppard
Director/Principal Analyst, Semiconductor Applications Markets

“One of the key elements for the successful launch of a mass deployable technology is ease of installation by the network providers. Centillium will give the network provider a low cost solution which is as easy to deploy as POTS, especially considering the difficult issue of in-house wiring. This will enable the telcos to quickly and cost effectively ramp up deployment.”
Dr. J. Richard Jones
Executive Vice President
Broadband Technologies, Inc.

“ What significant about Centillium’s DSL approach is that it is more than a modem technology. Rather, it is a transmission technology that allows services with different requirements to coexist on the same wire, for example, circuit-switched and cell switched. Service providers will be able to take advantage of this important feature to offer variety of integrated services to both residential and business customers.”
Boris Auerbuch
Sr. Vice President, Engineering and CTO 